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What Makes a Knife Sharpener Different From a Honing Device?

When maintaining your butcher knives, you will have the option to either sharpen or hone your knife. Sharpening keeps the blade on a knife strong and solid. Honing involves aligning the edge of the blade. You will have to get separate items for both processes. A knife sharpener will be made with a unique layout that makes it different from a honing device for your knife. The two are very different from one another and should be compared appropriately.

What a Sharpener Uses

First, you should look at what a sharpening stone or steel material will include. A sharpening surface will feature a solid layout made with a tough body that can interact with the blade quite well. Diamond or quartz materials are often used in most F Dick sharpening steel products that you might find today. These strong surfaces will cut through the roughest and dullest spots on any butcher knife.

An electric sharpener can be used if desired. This would allow you to insert the knife into a unit where it can be securely sharpened without the blade being exposed in the process.

What a Honing Item Uses

A honing surface works a little differently from a sharpening stone. The honing surface should feature a cylindrical body with a handle attached to the end. The knife would have to be honed with the edge of the blade applied against the honing surface. Like with a sharpening material, the honing item may come with a diamond surface.

This is not something that can be handled with an electric utensil. You would have to be cautious when using a honing surface.

A knife sharpener and a honing surface are both different from one another when it comes to the butchery equipment you can use. But they are both items that are vital to keeping your butchery operations under control. See what Butcher’s Paradise has to offer when you are looking for great products you can use when maintaining your knives and keeping them working the right way.

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